Member of ICOAA – Intergroups and Central Offices of Alcoholics Anonymous, Group Service Number 000004680, Legacy Number 723763
Wednesday, 8:00 pm to 9:00 pm
Open meetings are available to anyone interested in Alcoholics Anonymous’ program of recovery from alcoholism. Nonalcoholics may attend open meetings as observers.
Only meets on last Wednesday of the Month
Meeting ID: 350 618 4614
Passcode: aabtn123
You are cordially invited to attend this open Zoom Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous. We spend 20 minutes of our meeting discussing a step, a tradition, and finally a concept following the rotation of 1-12 aligned with months of the year. (Example: January: Step 1, Tradition 1, and Concept 1). Every meeting members from around North America gather to share their experience, strength and hope as it pertains to the steps, traditions, and concepts.
Passcode: aabtn123
1 other meeting at this location
Fargo, ND
Online only
Updated April 10, 2022